Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Single Sail

Single Sail
When you think that you are a single sail,
On an ocean with no other sail in sight,
Only looking for another sail,
will not bring you solace that will last.
The island where you lodge is purest hope.

I wrote this while listening to Melissa Manchester sing Someone To Watch Over Me, on the occasion of at least the 100th birthday of composer George Gershwin. It's meaning has changed for me over the years. There is hope in the words yes,and the idea that deeply knowing oneself is a key to satisfaction in life.
This speaks of being profoundly present in each moment that we live and being in each experience for the sake of the experience. Much of life is lived looking through the filters of past experiences.
If we had an experience that we either liked or disliked, we created a meaning to the experience and then brought that same meaning forward with us into the present. We then look at new experiences through the meaning that we created for that single, original experience.
This, then leaves to respond to a situation when we are an adult in the same manner as when were just a youngster.
What is exciting is, that, now as an adult I can revisit the meaning that I gave to the original experience. If it was a fearful experience i can write down my thoughts about it, write down my feelings about it, and recognize how my body is feeling, thereby being in the experience as an alive person, in the moment ,rather than through the filter of meaning that I assigned to the original experience. Rah Rah Rah!!!

More later. Thanks for the read. rawls1956

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